Few students can afford to pay for college completely on their own. The majority of students take out at least some form of financial aid to pay for their college education. According to the 2007-08 National Post-Secondary Student Aid Study…
Few students can afford to pay for college completely on their own. The majority of students take out at least some form of financial aid to pay for their college education. According to the 2007-08 National Post-Secondary Student Aid Study…
The United States Senate has built into its version of the federal transportation bill $24 million in extra funding for research on alcohol-sensing technology that could be installed in vehicles. Along with seat belt alarms, perpetual running lights on the…
Women often spend a lot of time driving their children to and from school, extracurricular activities like sports, and family activities. Because they spend so much time on the road with such precious cargo, women often choose vehicles based on…
Source : ABC News In a twist of irony, a West Virginia woman is trying to collect money from a collection agency. Diana Mey, of Wheeling, W. Va., won the largest judgment ever against an abusive debt collection company —…