A recent story on National Public Radio spotlighted the issue, saying that thousands of oil industry workers are nearing retirement age, leaving significant gaps in maritime worker ranks, both in terms of numbers and oil industry experience. The article identifies the origins of the situation as going back to the 1980s oil busts when crude prices dropped by more than half, forcing companies to let go of workers en masse. Many did not refill those positions as the industry regained momentum and now there is a chasm in the oil industry workforce as older maritime workers retire.
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Maritime injury lawyers believe the issue of offshore platform worker safety should be top priority as the oil industry replenishes its ranks. Incoming oil rig workers need to take extreme caution and heed all offshore safety training in order to avoid suffering a maritime injury in an offshore rig accident.
Proper training for all maritime jobs involves industry specific safety procedures and equipment, in order to protect offshore and maritime workers from drilling accident injuries and production platform injuries.