If this year is anything like last, baby boomers and older Americans should be on guard this holiday season. Instances of financial abuse and fraud against the elderly increased from November 2010 to January 2011, according to a recent report…
If this year is anything like last, baby boomers and older Americans should be on guard this holiday season. Instances of financial abuse and fraud against the elderly increased from November 2010 to January 2011, according to a recent report…
Fatal auto accidents in Connecticut sadly happen far too often. Some of the nation’s busiest highways, including Interstate 95, pass right through Connecticut. Just recently, three people died in auto accidents on Thanksgiving weekend in Connecticut. What would your family…
We Asked Are Background Checking Companies Subject to Lawsuits? SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — A clerical error landed Kathleen Casey on the streets. Out of work two years, her unemployment benefits exhausted, in danger of losing her apartment, Casey applied for…
Child sexual abuse ranks among the most horrific of all crimes. When allegations of child sexual assault surfaced at Penn State University, many in Pennsylvania were shocked. Jerry Sandusky, an once revered assistant football coach, was charged with abusing eight…