Yearly Archives: 2012

Legal News New Laws on Texting While Driving Will Likely Affect West Virginia

It used to be that applying make-up or slurping coffee from a commuter mug were most common reasons drivers got distracted while behind the wheel. Now, with the number of car accidents going up every year, there is a far

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Posted in Auto Accident Lawyer

Drugmakers News Legal Issues March 4th

Big Pharma has paid big money to resolve big government investigations over the past 10 years–$8 billion, in fact, according to USA Today’s calculations. That’s no secret to anyone who follows the industry. Nor is it a secret that the

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Posted in Car Accident Lawyers

Obtaining the best disability lawyers Helps A Case

The work of the disability lawyers would only be to ensure that you do get your due from the negligent party, When you do go for the social security disabilities lawyers than you should know that they cannot guarantee that

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Posted in Lancaster Lawyers

Will I need a Lawyer if I have been rear ended, an examination of car accident in NC

We recently came across a number of our readers that had rear end collisions which have occurred during the winter months. We found a number of people were out of work or had an injury but had no idea what

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Posted in Car Accident Lawyers