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When is the deadliest time for teenage drivers in AK, KS, MO, OK? Find out here

What time of year is the deadliest for teenage drivers? Statistically, right now, summertime. The 100 deadliest days on the road for teenage drivers occur between Memorial Day and Labor Day each year, according to a study released recently by

Posted in Missouri Lawyers

New York State teenage drivers more likely to have an auto accident in summer

Every mile driven by an adult, a teenager driver 16 to 19 years old is four times more likely to get into a car accident, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. And while any time of year

Posted in Buffalo Lawyers

Jens Top Personal injury lawyer List Aug 04

Buffalo and Rochester New York : Many Buffalo lawyers do not want to take a case to trial, which may be a big commitment of time and effort. At the Law Offices of James Morris, our Buffalo law firm is

Posted in Car Accident Lawyers

Texas teenage drivers killed 650 people in one year. Safe in summer on the road?

Attention Texas drivers. Summer is the deadliest time of the year on the road for teenage drivers. Between Memorial Day and Labor Day, more deadly auto accidents involving teenage drivers happen than any other time of year, according to a

Posted in Cases and Awards